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5 Businesses Who Can Benefit from Bulk Fuel Delivery

May 29, 2024

Not every vehicle that uses fuel can fill up at the local gas station. There are many types of vehicles that operate as part of businesses that need bulk fuel delivery. According to Advancing Convenience and Fuel Retailing, the United States' demand for gasoline was 370 million gallons per year. Getting large amounts of fuel delivered at a time is crucial to ensure that these industries keep staying productive. Here are five places where bulk fuel delivery is most needed.

1. Government Fleets

The service vehicles used in local communities need fuel to operate each day. Fueling up at a privately owned gas station is inconvenient and could become a conflict of interest as well. Bulk fuel delivery helps these governments to keep a steady fuel supply for these vehicles and save money too. These types of vehicles can include community service vehicles and even first responder vehicles.

2. Manufacturing

Manufacturing requires a great amount of fuel in order to keep running. Running out of fuel to power equipment isn’t an option. Large manufacturing operations simply can’t afford to shut things down if fuel isn’t available. It’s critical to manufacturing and ultimately our economy that bulk fuel is available.

3. Construction

So much of our economy relies on mining, drilling, and construction. Heavy equipment such as bulldozers, must be fueled with privately held bulk fuel because these vehicles can’t drive on surface streets to reach a gas station. With bulk fuel delivery, an entire yard of construction vehicles can be easily filled.

4. Agriculture

In rural America, farmers can’t grow their crops without fuel. Many of the types of equipment needed for these farms require access to bulk fuel on a regular basis. To keep farms running, it's important to keep vehicles like tractors running.

5. Power Plants

Large-scale power plants are where electricity is generated and sent to homes. Power plants run non-stop around the clock. Interruptions must be kept to a minimum. When there is an interruption, it means families are without power. Keeping these power plants properly fueled is crucial to their smooth operation and the infrastructure of communities.

These are just an example of the different industries that need bulk fuel delivery. If you’re looking for bulk delivery in your area, you’ve come to the right place. Fleet Fuels is ready to help you with your fuel needs.

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